I'm having the same problem as reported in this post. The When I'm @mentioned trigger is failing regularly since it was converted to accept multiple chats. Turning the flow off and on allows it to run, but then it fails again. Is there a fix in the works for this trigger?
An example error I received is:
{"responses":[{"id":"0","status":404,"headers":{"Cache-Control":"no-cache","Content-Type":"application/json"},"body":{"error":{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"The object was not found.","innerError":{"date":"2023-04-24T17:57:04","request-id":"2056122b-27a0-427c-a882-b2de946b9dd5","client-request-id":"2056122b-27a0-427c-a882-b2de946b9dd5"}}}}]}