Please share your code, if you say you are getting an error, but do not share your flow, your code, the flow, the flow run, then its really just a waste of time for us to read.
There are ways to help if we fully understand for instance
to get the here is the comment
you would use
trim(split(split(mystring, '<p>')[1], '<a href')[0])
So what this would do is split based on <p> which would give you 2 parts [0] and [1] where [1] now starts with her is the comment which is why after the first split I put the [1]
Then I split by the <a href, which now creates 2 parts [0] which has your string you want and [1] which doesn't
I used trim becasue there is a space after comment
But the same type of parsing for your other stuff
If this helps please mark so.
just follow the same mindset of parsing