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Copilot Studio - Topic Creation & Management

Internal Server Error when turning on a topic or creating a new topic

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I've been working on a bot for about a month, adding topics on occasion and never encountering any issues. However, this week I have consistently received the same error whenever I try to add a new topic or turn one's state from 'Off' to 'On': 


{"statuscode":500,"statusdescription":"Internal Server Error","errors":[{"code":10000,"message":"Bot [BOT ID] has only 0 teams. Required sharing teams:3"}]}

Diagnostic Trace Id: wUtCO

Each time I receive the error it has a new Diagnostic trace Id associated with it (I assume that is intentional). I have no idea what teams the error is referring to. Any advice for how to overcome this error is greatly appreciated. 
*Note: Bot ID removed for confidentiality, replaced with "[BOT ID]"

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