I have imported a solution into a client's environment.
I am unable to edit the Power App.
Is the following an issue of 'Managed' / 'Unmanaged' or about settings they need
to adjust/update for my profile on their end?
Error Message when trying to Edit after Solution Import
This issue is likely due to the solution being managed. If you need to make changes do it in the original (development) environment where the solution is unmanaged, then export and re-import the updated managed solution. If the solution is unmanaged but you still can't edit the app, it may be due to security role permissions. The client might need to adjust your Power Apps Maker or System Customizer role to grant editing access.
Error Message when trying to Edit after Solution Import
go to make.powerapps.com -> Apps -> Select the app and edit
You cannot directly edit from managed solution. Also, make sure you have the co-owner access for the app
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