Hi. I have a very basic flow. When a file is changed or updated in a SharePoint folder, I trigger a dataset refresh in Power BI. The folder in question holds timestamped csv reports that are dropped in there consecutively (anywhere between 1 to 14 reports at a time). My trigger tries to launch the dataset refresh for each, resulting in an error (as only one refresh can run at a time).
Can I somehow pool the reports in the trigger? I was thinking a logic flow along the lines of:
1) Trigger: When a file is created or modified in a folder
2) check the modified time of the trigger file
3) wait 30 seconds
4) check if the modified time of the trigger file is the latest modified time in the folder
if yes if no
5) continue to dataset refresh 5) stop the current flow (assuming the new file triggered a new flow already)
Can this be done? I was looking at "Do until" or maybe "Delay Until". I am very new to flows, please assume I need an in-detail walk through. 😔