Pie chart controls is something completely new to me in Powerapps so i apologize if i neglect any information you might need to provide an answer so here goes
in doing internet research I saw examples where a pie chart control was inserted into a vertical gallery. but I couldn't wrap my mind around how they changed the Items to achieve counts but it also appears that I have to count Yes / No or Boolean(0) and Boolean (1) values in the column of data i want to count. Goal is i need a Simple pie chart for each Eci_ID where it is counting each Yes's and nos in Completed column for all the child records made with that ECI_ID.
below is a sketch of the table structure and my image of the results
here is my current rough draft. Edit: I changed the picture, Items Property of the Piechart:
Filter(ECI_Dies_1, eci_id=ThisItem.field_0)
I set the Label property to Completed column and the series property to the Dienum column.
(dienum is what makes each ECI_ID child record a unique record)
Its representing the die number which is a number (but could be a letter) as the size of the pie and adding the value
of completed column in the label.
What would I change the Item property to COUNT the trues vs falses to where i just 2 slices max on any chart?