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Power Pages multistep form and power automate

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I am looking to trigger an email alert upon submittal of a multistep form in power pages. My email gets sent upon clicking the first "Next" - which is when a record is created, but I want to send the email on the final submit....
Any ideas?
Thank you.
  • Emilia06 Profile Picture
    Emilia06 4 on at
    Power Pages multistep form and power automate
    I did like Fubar suggested. The field does change value on Save, but the flow doesn't trigger... It's like it doesn't register the field value change in the creation of the record and inexistent in Modify....
    I have tried trigger on Add or Modify, (the field is Yes/No, 0/1, true/false). I have tried condition within flow, I have tried Filter Rows in Trigger action, I have tried in Settings trigger action also as a trigger condition....
  • GWham Profile Picture
    GWham 58 on at
    Power Pages multistep form and power automate
    Agree with Fubar. Instead of sending mail on record creation as you suggested and use meta data to set a new field or status reason specifically for this purpose.
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,675 on at
    Power Pages multistep form and power automate
    On the last step save something additional and use it as the trigger.  Generally, we would usually use the existing Status Reason column add a new value for Submitted, then in your Power Pages Management App, go to the Multistep forms last Step and add a related Metadata record to the Step, set the metadata record to type=attribute and then select the Status Reason column, then further down the page set the Save Value On Save to the number that is your new 'Submitted' status reason.
    Configure your trigger node in your flow to only trigger on change of Status Reason where the value is the value of the 'Submitted' Status Reason (you can set all this on the trigger node).

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