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Power Automate - Building Flows

Even numbers from a list

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I have a list of numbers (all greater than 0), and I want to filter out only the even numbers from it using Power Automate. The array may not be sorted, and it can be any positive whole number less than 10,000.
I don't want to create an array of even numbers till 10,000 and then do intersection. Is there a better scalable solution please?
  • Input Array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

[2, 4, 6, 8]



  • Verified answer
    Mitanshu Profile Picture
    Mitanshu 1,604 on at
    Even numbers from a list
    You can use `filter` action in Power Automate with `mod` expression.
    `mod(item(),2) == 0` -- this will give you even numbers.
    You will now get an array containing only even numbers

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