I selected data type String. However, the data may consist of numbers only but still string of numbers.
I'm unable to update the connector because it understands "12345" as numbers instead of string. However, it has to be of string data type. Any way to work around this?
See Errors below the image.
ERROR 1: In case of 'Dropdown type' and its static 'Value' is set to 12345
Specified swagger has the following errors: 'Definition is not valid. Error: 'Error : paths/~1api.xro~12.0~1Invoices/post/parameters/3/enum : The type of the enum value is 'Integer' but it should be 'String' as specified in the schema. '
ERROR 2: In case of the 'Default Value' is set to 12345
Try editing the swagger and specifying there.
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