I have a Gallery populating from a delegable call to a Dataverse Table with over 100 items, so the Gallery will only load 100 items at a time as the user scrolls.
If I attempt to set the Default Selected Item to any of the first 100 items, it is selected as expected in the Gallery. But when I attempt to set the default item to anything beyond the 100th item, the Gallery can't select it b/c its not in view of the first 100 items. I've tried setting default selected manually to a Record like {ID:101}, w/ a variable or collection set somewhere else in the app like varSelectRecordID101 or colSelectRecordID101, w/ lookup to self: LookUp(Self.AllItems, ID = 101), or from form submissions like Form1.LastSubmit and all can only select a default item if its loaded in view within the Gallery.
If the Gallery is already scrolled down by the user to the point where the intended Default Selected Item is visible it gets selected, but I do not see an option to indicate the Gallery should automatically expand without user input and load the next 100 items at a time until it finds and can select the Default Selected item. This seems possible as Last(Self.AllItems) does exactly that to expand until it hits the very last record, then selects it (*Note* Last(<Datasource>) does not do this automatic expansion, only Self.AllItems).
Anyone know how to get around this without breaking the Delegable call to Dataverse or introducing Row Item Limits inside the app to load all of the data into the Gallery instead of 100 rows at a time?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Updated Last(<Datasource>) to Last(Self.AllItems). Last(<Datasource>) does NOT expand all items but Last(Self.AllItems) does.