I created a bot on Power Virtual Agent. We are experiencing an issue where the report/analytics aren’t pulling through correctly. We need these reports to be accurate as the team uses these to manage the determinations and to be able to refer back to at a later date.
If I click Analytics and then Sessions and download the report for the day; the report is missing some of the sessions and there is no reason for it not to.
As an example; there was a session/transcript which took place at around 10am UST but it is not showing on the report.
I then asked the team to do the same thing and run a test one which they did at 11.41am UST and that one has shown up on the report (nothing different was done in terms of process).
What is the reason for some of the sessions/transcripts not being shown on the report?
@Anonymous This sounds like there may have been an issue with the processing. Normally you can expect session transcripts to be available for download 5 to 15 minutes after the session has ended.
If you are still seeing this issue, I would recommend opening up a support ticket so the information needed to troubleshoot this issue can be gathered.
-- Mike Bonincontri