Hi guys.
I've copied elements from a sharepoint list (call it SourceList) to another (DestList) with a simple flow. and it works fine.
As u know, in DestList the author as the creation_datetime are not sync cause they depend from the owner of the flow.
I found this video to edit this fields:
but i'm facing a problem with the POST Method. As Author, I have the AuthorID property and it seems that the body of my HTTP request is not legit.
Actually i saved correctly the AuthorId of the SourceList in a variable, this is how I set the request:
I tried also:
But its not working.
Some suggestions?
I've tried it but I have no so much knowledge to manage the errors that I met applying this method to my lists.
I find a workaround creating 2 columns called "AkaAuthor" and "AkaCreationDate", then I use the POST method on them and I have the informations I need.
Yes, AuthorID is a system field, and it cannot be written to without unlocking it first. While I haven't personally tried this, you may want to explore the solution provided in the link here:
Update the Created By (AuthorID) Field of a ShareP... - Page 2 - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)
I've tried with your solution but still not working.
Beside syntax errors, I think that my configuration doesn't reach the AuthorId field, maybe this field is in ReadOnly mode? Some hints to set this field editable?
It looks like you have inconsistent use of quotes in your Body (in both screen shots). I have used double quotes successfully in:
In the past I have used a JSON validator to help catch these syntax errors. (JSON Online Validator and Formatter - JSON Lint)
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Rick Hurt