Power Apps Newbie here🙄, I appreciate your help.
My data card is connected to a field called IsManual that will accept N/A, Yes, or No. I want to use one of three buttons that function like option buttons instead of a dropdown list.
The data source is a SharePoint list with items from a variable with defaults, e.g., Set(varFormData, Defaults('My List')). All my other screens with regular data cards work fine.
Screen OnVisible = Set(varButtonValue1,"")
btnNA OnSelect= If(varButtonValue1 = "N/A", Set(varButtonValue1,""), Set(varButtonValue1,"N/A"))
btnYes OnSelect= If(varButtonValue1 = "Yes", Set(varButtonValue1,""), Set(varButtonValue1,"Yes"))
btnNo OnSelect= If(varButtonValue1 = "No", Set(varButtonValue1,""), Set(varButtonValue1,"No"))
All the above work fine. The correct value is stored in the varButtonValue1 variable.
How do I update the data card (connected to varFormData) to accept varButtonValue1 as the value for the field IsManual? I am patching to SharePoint later in the app.
I get an error when I put varButtonValue1 in the data card Updates box.
I get an error with varButtonValue1 in the dropdown list, which I was going to hide and use as the Update property on data card.