Hi all,
I appreciate any direction on this and thanks for reading! I am going to be as concise yet detailed as possible; I've been working on this awhile and getting absolutely stuck.
Use-Case: Users in the field will be accessing my PowerApp via mobile or iPad. They want a way to access and easily share Community Resources with clients in the field on the fly. I want the app to allow for single or multi-selections from the Gallery results and then have the ability to export those selected results and key columns from the SharePoint list, such as Email, Location, etc., into a shareable format such as excel or CSV.
SharePoint list: "Community Resources"
Gallery: CommResourcesGallery
Search Box (a Text Input control so users can type to filter items): "SearchBox"
Gallery.Items = Search('Community Resources', SearchBox.Text,Name)
Columns in my SharePoint list:
Column Friendly Name
SP List Column Name
Column Type
Single line of text
Multi-lines of text
Single line of text
Single line of text
Single line of text
I have a Check Box icon as part of the gallery that changes color when it's selected in order to indicate to the user that they've selected it.
OnSelect code for CheckBox:
OnSelect code for ExportButton:
...Which is producing a syntax related error:
I may be way off in my approach; I really pieced this together through a lot of rabbit holes. Happy to accept any direction!
Intended result: Directly from the app, export an excel file that would look like the following (assuming the user only selected these two results):
I know based on my explanation, I don't have some, or lots, of the right code in place, but figured I'd share exactly what I want this to be once completed.
Issues/Questions in no particular order --
How can I have SearchBox look at a choice column called "Tags" and the Title and Description columns from my SharePoint list?
When I select any checkmark, it selects ALL check marks. How do I have it just change colors of the one I am selecting?