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Automatically setting a "Completed By" with UserID

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Hi All,

I think what I'm trying to do is fairly simple, but not 100% sure the correct way to go about it.

I have a basic app with an Edit Form that's tied to a SharePoint list which simply consists of "To-Do" items that can be assigned to other team members, categorized, etc. 

Within the Edit Form is a 'Status' dropdown (ddStatus) linked to a field of the same name in the SharePoint list. I have the "Items" property set to ["Open", "In Progress", "Completed"].

The list also contains a 'Completed By' field (txtCompletedBy) which is included as one of the Data Cards in the Edit Form. I'm looking to have that field auto-populated with the person's UserID if the 'Status' field (via the dropdown) is changed from "In Progress" to "Completed" (or from "Open" to "Completed"). As far as the UserID goes - that's already being stored in a global variable - varUserID - via the "OnStart" property of the App (using Office365Users connection). 


Thus, if John Doe selects an item from the gallery and then changes the 'Status' dropdown on the Edit Form to "Completed", the 'Completed By' field should then auto-populate with his UserID (jdoe). I'm assuming I just need to add some type of "IF" statement to the "OnChange" event of the 'Status' dropdown (ddStatus), i.e.: If(ddStatus.Selected.Value = "Completed", <something>)

But I'm not sure how to complete that to where it would populate the "Completed By" field with the UserID...


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! : )

  • bcanfield83 Profile Picture
    bcanfield83 56 on at
    Re: Automatically setting a "Completed By" with UserID

    Thanks! That worked perfectly 😊


  • Verified answer
    RandyHayes Profile Picture
    RandyHayes 76,287 on at
    Re: Automatically setting a "Completed By" with UserID


    Change your Default property of the 'Completed By' control to:

    If(ddStatus.Selected.Value = "Completed", varUserID, Parent.Default)


    I hope this is helpful for you.

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