Hi Everyone,
I'm encountering some real performance issues with Power Apps that connect to DataVerse. We're not expecting it to be instant, but on some occasions we are waiting almost a minute for Save functions to take place. I've searched this forum and Googled etc, but most of the solutions seem to be pointed at improving the performance of the app itself, rather than the apps interaction with the data source.
Is there anything I can do to tweak this and provide a better user experience? I have placed spinners in the appropriate sopts but that seems like a flaky solution to me.
Hi Both,
It's a Patch as we need to update a couple of tables. I do have a load / save spinner (as you can see from my Patch statement) and there are a couple of different Patch statements in here. Maybe I'm just being impatient, but our experience of Power Platform / Dataverse here in Australia isn't the greatest...
Code under my 'Save' button is:
UpdateContext({showAMApproveSpinner: true});
Patch('Placement Approvals', LookUp('Placement Approvals',Activity = galAMApprovalHistory.Selected.Activity),{'Activity Status':'Activity Status (Placement Approvals)'.Completed},{'Status Reason':'Status Reason (Placement Approvals)'.Approved}, {Description : User().FullName});
Patch(Notes, Defaults(Notes), {Title:"Placement Approval"}, {Description:"Approved By - " & User().FullName}, {Regarding:varSelectedPlacement}, {'Is Document':false});
Office365Outlook.SendEmailV2("user@company.com.au", "Placement Approval", "Hi There,</br></br> Placement " & varSelectedPlacement.PlacementID & " has been Approved by " & User().FullName & "</br></br>Thanks!", {Importance:Normal});
UpdateContext({showAMApproveSpinner: false});
Loading GIFs are good for User experience. However, for us to help you will need to provide more information.
How are you saving? Patch or form submit?
What sort of data are you saving and how much data?
Have you tried reconnecting the data source?
Can you share your code that completes the save please? (Guessing it's a patch code)