I have created a flow between dynamics 365 and dynamics 365 for operations.
The flow start but we get an error while fetching records from CRM.
We are using CRM online 8.1.0534
Can you tell us which Country/Region Settings you are using?
Yes the exact same trigger fails for me on some envroirments.
I'm currently working with Microsoft support on this issue.
Any updates I will post also on this formum.
Hi Rob,
I create a simple flow to send email when a new record is created in CRM. This flow works well and I don’t get any error message with the CRM trigger.
Please try with this kind of simple flow to see if you would still get the same error with CRM connection.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao
We have the same Problem. The only change we have done is a password for one of the connections.
on 11th of`November the same flow succedded but now it fails with the above described error.
I have the same problem in three Dynamics 365 instances one for our company, one for a customer and a sandboxed test instance also for our company. All of these are in version no update available. So, two tenants, three environments. Dynamics 365 action When a new record is created works in one of the tenants, but not in the other, in niether of the environments.
Hi @Rob,
Couple of things to check. Might be useful.
(1) Because its date related check for users are setup for multiple timezone in Dynamics CRM?
(2) The Upgrade Action for UpdateDateTimeAttributes does not run correctly in CRM 2016 when you upgrade from CRM 2015. Please see https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/3133963
Maybe the connector lost it's comparability with CRM online?
Yes I used the standard template for this connection.
I had to adjust some settings on create record in operations to match company's I have
I Can't find any where if the fall release of Dynamics 365 (CRM) is required?
I think not cause this connector was already availible before the fall release off crm was?
Yes I used the standard template for this connection.
I had to adjust some settings on create record in operations to match company's I have
Hi Rob,
My CRM Online version is I create a flow using this template, but I don’t get the error message like yours.
To reproduce this issue, could you show me a screenshot of your flow configuration?
Best regards,
Mabel Mao