I'm trying to use the Set Content Approval Status action but the there is no library for my under the selection. There are libraries under this site that already have Content Approval turned on.
Hi @KirkT,
Could you please show a clear screenshot of your "Set content approval status" action?
I have made a test and the issue is confirmed on my side. The available libraries would not be shown up automatically within Library Name field of "Set content approval status" action.You could consider add a Library name as a custom value within Library Name field of "Set content approval status" action.
In addition, I think it is not appropriate to add the "When a file is created or modified on a folder" trigger as the trigger of your flow. If you add the "When a file is created or modified on a folder" trigger in your flow, you could not get proper Item id dynamic content from the trigger within Id field of "Set content approval status" action.
I have made a test on my side and please take a try with the following workaround:
Note: The ApprovalComplete column is a custom value in my SharePoint library, which is a Yes/No type column. The default value of this column is No.
Add a "Set content approval status" action, Id field set to ID dynamic content of the trigger, ETag field set to ETag dynamic content of the "Get file metadata" action.
Add a "Update file properties" action, Id field set to ID dynamic content of the trigger, ApprovalComplete field set to Yes.
Image reference:
The flow works successfully as below:
Best regards,