I have a gallery that's created from a collection (Items property is set to a collection called c_approvers). However, I added a dropdown to the Gallery and set its Items to: Filter(Users, Role=ThisItem.appr_role), where Users is another table that contains two columns: Role, and Username. The idea here is to show the different usernames in the dropdown that have the same Role. I'm able to see the names of users when running the app.
I created a button to collect the details of the gallery to another collection (myCollection) and used the following:
Gallery.AllItems As item,
Collect(myCollection, {Index : item.Label33.Text, Approver: Dropdown5.Selected}
When I check the result I get the following:
Approver Index
[Record] 1
[Record] 2
[Record] 3
I need to get the name of the approver, not a record. Your advice is appreciated! thanks.