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New form in model-driven app does not show up in form selector

Posted on by 53
I'm unable to see a new form I created in my model-driven app in the form selector. It's a "Project for the web" app & is inside a solution. Here are the steps and other things I have already checked:
1) App is created using modern designer
2) Form status is "On"
3) Form security role is "Everyone". I also tried Sys Admin to the form security and I am in that role, still did not work.
4) Form order is 3rd.
5) Fallback form is selected as well.
6) Tried different browser - this new form does not show up.
7) No custom event handlers on this form, what ever is there are the system JS that I see. 
8) Published just the app, tried. Then published All Customizations - tried and same issue.
If you have come across this scenario, please assist in resolving this issue. 
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  • Ravindra Jadhav Profile Picture
    Ravindra Jadhav 109 on at
    New form in model-driven app does not show up in form selector
    Great 😍, 
    Please Closed the Question, Mark it Solved 
    If my answer helped resolve your issue, please consider marking it as solved to assist others facing the same problem. Additionally, giving it a like would be greatly appreciated and motivates us to keep helping
    Thank You
    Ravindra Jadhav
  • Suggested answer
    mm_512 Profile Picture
    mm_512 53 on at
    New form in model-driven app does not show up in form selector
    I did miss adding this form to the model-driven app. Found it while I was editing the app and the settings are in the right hand side. 

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