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How to use DefaultSelectedItems of a radio group button

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I have a radiogroup button with these values : 
Table({Key: "OK"; Value:" "};{Key: "NOK"; Value:" "};{Key: "Non observé"; Value:" "})
What it can do for now is when I click on all my radio buttons, and then to a button, it adds a row to an excel table (with an ID)
What I haven't been able to do is having a default value to my radiobuttons depending on the choices i've made before if I try to modify an existing row
I tried giving a global variable to DefaultSelectedItems : 
I have a variable called test_variable and is Set with the onVisible of my page : 
Set(test_variable; "Blank()");;
When I write directly Blank() inside DefaultSelectedItems I have no error and it works, so I don't quite understand how it works.
There is no information on the microsoft help page.
How can I have a default selected button if I try modifying a row, and none selected if I try adding a new one ?
  • Verified answer
    MichaelFP Profile Picture
    MichaelFP 1,526 on at
    How to use DefaultSelectedItems of a radio group button
    Do you have this table store in a collection? If you is always set table direct in each radio group button is not a good approach.
    try something like that:
    create a new collection with the table, to be used for all radio group buttons.
    ClearCollect(colItensDefaults;Table({Key: "OK"; Value:" "};{Key: "NOK"; Value:" "};{Key: "Non observĂ©"; Value:" "}))
    Set this collection to the values of the radio group, in the Items.
    Now, on the default selected items apply a filter on that collection using the value from a existing record,  
    Filter(colItensDefaults; Key = "NOK")
    and you will see that default value it will be came with the correct selection.

    If my answer helped you, please give me a thumbs up (👍). If solve your question please mark as answer ✔️. This is help the community.

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