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Fabric virtual table connection - Environment not showing up

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Hi all,

Can you please let me know what the minimum requirements are for a successful connection to a Fabric table via the Virtual Table feature? 

Is the blocker below:

  • The user access?
  • The user license?
  • The workspace license?
  • Some/all of above?


I have an account with a PBI Pro license that has member access a Power BI Premium Workspace with Fabric elements within.  But the Choose Workspace step says it could not find any workspace in fabric.



Power BI workspace settings showing the Premium licensing.




  • pavanmanideep Profile Picture
    pavanmanideep 462 on at
    Re: Fabric virtual table connection - Environment not showing up



    Below are the prerequisites for integrating fabric with Dataverse...


    • A Power BI premium license or Fabric capacity within the same Azure region as your Dataverse environment is required. Currently, the system supports these premium capacity SKUs: "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "F2", "F4", "F8", "F16", "F32", "F64", "F128", "F256", "F512", "F512", "F1024", "F2048", "DCT1", "FT1."

    • If you don’t have Power BI premium license or Fabric capacity within the same region, you buy a capacity in the region or sign up for a free Fabric trial capacity. More information: Fabric (preview) trial

    • You must have the System Administrator security role in the Dataverse environment. You must also be an administrator of the Power BI workspace. If you want the system to create a Power BI workspace, you need to be a Power BI Capacity Administrator or have contributor access to a capacity within the same region as the Dataverse environment.

    • To confirm whether you have access to the required premium capacity, go to Power BI, open the workspace, and select Workspace settings > Premium. Make sure that Trial or Premium capacity is selected.


    Hope this helps, you have Power BI Pro with Power BI Premium need Power BI Premium or Power BI Workspace which is under Fabric capacity..


    Hope this helps...


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