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Combo box from another SP List is blank in view mode or the result is not displayed in edit mode

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Hello guys.  I am creating customized form for SP list and need to select a card number from another SP list.

I added a Combo box to select the card number from other SP list. After I select the card number and save the item, the card number appears in the SP List as below.

However, when I open that item, the card number field is blank in view mode. When I open that item in Edit mode, the combo box appears instead of the card number I selected.
Do you know how to solve it? Thanks! 
  • narayan225 Profile Picture
    narayan225 2,356 on at
    Combo box from another SP List is blank in view mode or the result is not displayed in edit mode
    Guessing that you are using a custom control for the combo-box in the form, you will need to set the defaultselecteditems property of the combo-box to display the data.
    You can try pointing it to the column in the SP list or use a filter function to point to the items in another SP list.
    Another thing to note is that when you save the item, the form goes to view mode and points to the data that was there before instead of refreshing the data source and pointing to the newly saved data.
    If this is the case, you might need to add a refresh or maybe reset the form to be able to see the newly saved data back in the form.
    Hope this helps.

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