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Unable to change Authoring version

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Our test environments is on version 21051 (release May 17) but our personal productivity is on a later version (21055). This is preventing Apps being edited once they have been imported the below message appears.




and if I set it to a later version (shown below) it just reverts back when I log back in. Is there any reason why our Test environment is 4 versions behind our Personal Productivity & Live environments? 



  • TrentDiego Profile Picture
    TrentDiego 15 on at
    Re: Unable to change Authoring version

    This still happens, here in late 2022.
    In my case, I was able to bypass the issue by sharing the Power App as a co-owner with another user account that I had and then logging into Power Apps with that other user. Then I go about making the changes as that user. It seemed to work for me.


    Note: I have previously set up the user with its own browser profile, so it has its own browser cache and session from my regular user account that had the problem (which may help with the issue). Worse case, you could always try opening up as a "Guest" profile (for Chrome) or create a new profile in Chrome or Edge and logging into Power Apps that way.

  • joe_hannes_col Profile Picture
    joe_hannes_col 1,843 on at
    Re: Unable to change Authoring version

    Hello @brown_1892,


    Have you published your app after changing the Authoring version?

    I have found that the Authoring version change would sometimes not register unless I saved and published the app.

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